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Ordinary People Taking Action
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Why student coaching?2/13/2018 I believe that high school and college are some of the best years of our lives – and some of the toughest years. The pressure students now face trying to identify what to do post school is tremendous. Competition to be accepted to college is at an all-time high. And it doesn’t end there. College graduates are starting their careers at a time of extremely high competition for roles. Students have so much data coming at them with regards to what they should do, can do and are supposed to do, it would even overwhelm me as an adult. This process can be stressful for parents, too. They may struggle with knowing when to step back and when to intervene. Unintentionally, some parents can get tunnel vision. They want the best for their child but are unable to see beyond their own version of a successful future. I hear from students that they appreciate the opportunity to talk with an adult outside of their immediate network. They like the fresh perspective and advice from a virtual stranger – after they meet me and realize I am much hipper than what they envisioned when they first heard the term “life coach”. I believe that if I use my professional coaching, business experience and communication skills in helping students, they will have an upper hand in determining next steps not only for their careers, but for their lives. For those of you who have had a helpful professional coach — think about the impact it could have made, had you received that guidance at the age of 16, 18, or 22. That is what I want to do with students.
I’ll end with this: Thursday evening, I was at the home of a 17-year-old student, sitting at their kitchen table, admiring what he’d made in his metal workshop class at school. This was after a 90-minute coaching session. He wasn’t tired of talking with me. In fact, he was energized and excited to show me his cool project. He is seventeen and excited to talk to a virtual stranger who he had already been talking to for 1.5 hours. I’ll let that sit for a minute. Thinking People Consulting is here to help students and their families through this challenging time. Guiding young people in taking those first steps toward a satisfying future and rewarding career is one of my passions, and I’d be honored to play a part in that process for your family.
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