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Ordinary People Taking Action
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Hello! We are just ONE WEEK away from our book club with Joshua Miller! Hopefully by now you have purchased the book and have read it (or have plans to read it this week). As we prepare for the upcoming book club, Josh has a message for you all: Are you comfortable or are you courageous?
I asked myself this question for many years before writing my book “I Call Bullshit: Live Your Life, Not Someone Else’s. After 20 years of coaching people from CEO’s to celebrities, I learned that the journey to happiness begins within ourselves. When we focus internally on the questions WE ask OURSELVES and the questions we ask OTHERS versus externally on OUR CIRCUMSTANCES and STORIES ABOUT WHY WE ARE WHERE WE ARE, we are then better equipped to find our own happiness. Finding our own happiness requires courage and breaking free from our comfort zones and our limiting beliefs. It’s not always easy but it’s always worth it. It’s a critical time to be thinking critically about YOU. That is why I included over 200 thought provoking questions to get you started on your own personal journey to happiness. Life doesn’t have to suck and you don’t have to settle, it’s simply a choice. What I find is the happier we are; the better we are in our lives, both personally and professionally. Are you feeling stuck? Is your team feeling stuck? Do you want to work on an area of your life where you are sick and tired of the bullshit? DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A FREE COACHING SESSION WITH ME?
Don’t forget, to gain access to the call on Monday, April 30th from 9 AM – 10 AM PST, you will need to send a picture of yourself with the book by Sunday April 29th by 5 PM PST to either Amber or myself. I invite you to read my book with an open mind, an open heart and be open to what’s possible. I am excited to learn from you, the reader, and I look forward to a healthy and fun conversation - minus the bullshit of course. Josh [email protected] PS: Not registered for the book club? Don't worry, there is still time. We increased the registration limits because we don't want you to miss out. Join us; register here.
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